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Carmen Troncoso & Jakob Fichert

Friday 24 November 2023, 1:05pm - 1:55pm
open from 12:30pm
Recorder and Piano — Music from Europe and South America
Ernst Krähmer - Concert Polonaise
Malcolm Arnold - Sonatina, op 41
Carlos Gustavino - Introducción y Allegro
Carlos Zamora - Sonata para Flauta y Piano (revised version for Alto recorder and Piano, 2023)
Paul Engel - Tanto-Tango for Alto Recorder and Piano (2022)
The recorder and the piano, both carriers of a long tradition, met collaboratively only in the early twentieth century. However, the sonic potential of this rare marriage of instruments is rich, and the combination of these two rather different sound worlds has become increasingly attractive to composers the world over.
Internationally renowned York-based Chilean recorder player Carmen Troncoso and pianist Jakob Fichert are presenting a programme featuring this unusual ensemble. Starting with Krähmer's dazzling Concert Polonaise, written in the early nineteenth century and thus constituting one of the earliest compositions of that genre, the artists will guide you through a stylistically diverse and entertaining programme. Carlos Zamora and Paul Engel created their versions of the pieces performed especially for today's performers.